Portico Mountain Brook

Portico Mountain Brook

Summer 2018

CATEGORY: Lifestyle

What you are seeing is a magazine with a past. And hopefully a future. Its plan is to celebrate Mountain Brook and the people who live in it. There is much to celebrate. We work hard, play hard, study hard, overachieve, stress out, drink wine, relax, laugh at ourselves, go to church, to dinner, to Whole Foods and the CVS (that’s for you, Walter). We live in elegant houses with fireplaces which stream light and celebrate the family. We meet at Otey’s and Billy’s and Saws. We get manicures, wax our eyebrows and we buy tall boots and guns, jewelry and golf clubs… toys. We travel. To 30A, the black belt, the lake, beyond. We give away more time and money than imaginable. Visitors marvel at our sidewalks and villages, our flora and fauna, our Christmas and Halloween. We offer a small town feel with a big town vibe. I just made that up. I’m channeling my inner Suzan Doidge. Like all Southerners we tell stories and Mountain Brook has plenty. A friend of ours from New Orleans moved here briefly after Katrina. One afternoon she walked into The Pig and said, “Excuse me, what aisle is the Vodka on?” Another friend took his RV to a baseball game against Vestavia. It was their son’s birthday so they draped a banner across the RV which read “Happy Birthday Johnny!” After the game a Vestavia resident was overheard to say, “Typical Mountain Brook, they buy their kid an RV for his birthday.” To publish a magazine in this community is a privilege. It writes itself if one listens. That’s our plan. To listen. And then, each quarter, with any luck, we’ll deliver a magazine to your mailbox. Bloody simple.

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